Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bones of Contention

GOP: Michigan total abortion ban next

Chuck Yob and Holly Hughes, Michigan's Republican National Committee reps are mass forwarding this email:

We need your help! There is something you can do right away to help protect the lives of the unborn right here in Michigan.

The South Dakota state legislature has been working hard to define life as beginning at conception. Now it is our turn to carry the torch and bring this important effort to Michigan. We commend Mr. Cal Zastrow for his efforts in collecting signatures to amend the Michigan Constitution to read:

"The right to due process, whereby no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, guaranteed in Article 1 Section 17, and the right to equal protection of the law, guaranteed in Article 1, Section 2, vest at conception. A 'person' for the purposes of the Constitution and laws of the State of Michigan, exists from the moment of conception."

more at:

Michigan Man to build Sinless City

In related news, Ann Arbor's millionaire pizza King, Tom Monaghan, intends to build a totally temptationless town. It will forbid such tools of the devil as W magazine and cable TV in its entirety. Oddly, rather than building another suburb of Holland, Monaghan has decided on a Florida site.

more at:

Michigan Home Foreclosures hit all-time highs

96,000 homes in the US are undergoing active foreclosure.
8.5% of them are in Michigan.
8,240 Michigan families are being foreclosed right now...

This is partly due to the states 7-plus percent unemployment, and partly to the draconian shortening of the delinquent property tax period to 1 year from 3 years. 8% of the foreclosures in 3% of the population. In lost homes we are second only to New Orleans, and already far beyond Depression Era numbers.

"This is the worst I've ever seen," said Gary Meyers, a foreclosure specialist with Venturi Realty of Salt Lake City who was present for Wednesday's sales. "I've been all over the U.S., and the most I've ever seen in a day is 30."

Wayne County 3,342
Oakland County 765
Genesee 465
Macomb 448
Ingham 183
Muskegon 168
Kalamazoo 147
Saginaw 145
Jackson 127
St. Clair 107
Calhoun County 102

more at:

Finally- it took some doing, but I found a bit of lighter news...

How fast is your Outhouse?

The unique 13th Annual Outhouse Race will be held Saturday in tiny Trenary,
Michigan. Be sure to bring plenty of TP and pick up one of the T-shirts!:]

details at:


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